Building and Contents
Feeling very poor today because I just had to pay for home insurance on the house we're buying. Bought it through Swinton Insurance with the help of a very helpful and efficient chap called Carl in their Lavender Hill branch - this is my tribute to him and if anyone from their head office is reading this, please take note - Carl in the Lavender Hill branch.
Lo, how my standards are lowered that when someone in a service industry actually provides me with prompt, efficient, effective service, it invokes grovelling gratitude on my part.
I love Google Maps - when the insurer asked how far away from the house was the big tree in the garden, I could look it right up on the internet.
News just in from ancient Rome: Agrippina is getting her come-uppance as her son Nero arranges for her suicide. Kids, eh?
Lo, how my standards are lowered that when someone in a service industry actually provides me with prompt, efficient, effective service, it invokes grovelling gratitude on my part.
I love Google Maps - when the insurer asked how far away from the house was the big tree in the garden, I could look it right up on the internet.
News just in from ancient Rome: Agrippina is getting her come-uppance as her son Nero arranges for her suicide. Kids, eh?
I have wasted a lot of time in Google Maps. Maybe I am just too bored.
I think boredom is a necessary precondition for creativity.
I'd keep the Tacitus well away from Curly. Don't want you giving her any ideas.
Nero just has Agrippina straightforwardly killed in the end.
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